Peningkatan self efficacy dan kemampuan literasi matematika pada siswa kelas X IPA 7 SMA Negeri 15 Semarang


  • Hartomo Adhi Nugroho Indonesia


Self efficay, Kemampuan literasi matematika


This research is a classroom action research at SMA Negeri 15 Semarang. The background of this research is the quality of mathematics education in Indonesia is still relatively low, especially mathematical literacy skills. The mathematical literacy ability of SMA Negeri 15 students is still low and students' self-efficacy is still lacking. The purpose of this study is to improve self-efficacy and mathematical literacy skills of class X IPA 7 SMA Negeri 15 Semarang students in the 2019/2020 academic year on the material of Three Variable Linear Equations (PLTV). There are three cycles in this study, where the results of one cycle become a reflection material to make improvements to the implementation of learning in the next cycle. To get the research data used formative tests, observation sheets and interviews. The research subjects were students of class X IPA 7 SMA Negeri 15 Semarang which consisted of 36 students. Data analysis was carried out quantitatively by measuring students' mathematical literacy ability classically to reach more than 75%, and qualitatively for student success. This study concludes that there is an increase in students' self-efficacy and mathematical literacy skills on the material of three-variable linear equations using discovery scaffolding learning strategies.


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How to Cite

Nugroho, H. A. (2021). Peningkatan self efficacy dan kemampuan literasi matematika pada siswa kelas X IPA 7 SMA Negeri 15 Semarang. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Matematika Dan Pendidikan Matematika, 6, 319–330. Retrieved from


