Kemampuan Menulis Paragraf Aksara Jawa Siswa Kelas VII SMP Islam Al-Kautsar Semarang Tahun Ajaran 2019


  • Rifka Maulana Setyaningrum Universitas PGRI Semarang
  • Alfiah Alfiah Universitas PGRI Semarang
  • Bambang Sulanjari Universitas PGRI Semarang


Ability, writing Javanese script


This research is backed by the low ability of grade VII students of SMP Islam Al-Kautsar in writing a Javanese paragraph. In connection with the problem, then the problem that is examined, how is the ability to write a paragraph of Javanese alphabet students grade VII SMP Islam Al-Kautsar Semarang in 2019? The purpose of this research describes the ability to write paragraphs of Javanese alphabet students in grade VII SMP Islam Al-Kautsar Semarang in 2019. This research includes a type of qualitative descriptive research, using the One-Shot Case Study design. The research population is all students of grade VII SMP Islam Al-Kautsar Semarang. Sampling technique using a random sampling technique, which is used as a sample in this study is the class VII C Junior High School Al-Kautsar Semarang, which amounted to 25 students and 4 students did not enter due to exit. The data collection techniques used in this study are test techniques. Based on the analysis the results of the study explained that from 21 students there are 2 students or 9% are incomplete and 19 students or 91% are complete. The average grade value of the test result is 78. The result of the value is higher with a school KKM value of 70. Results of the value can be proved that the ability to write paragraphs of Javanese script students grade VII C SMP Islam Al-Kautsar Semarang obtained a significant value in the study of writing a paragraph of Javanese script. Students ' ability to write paragraphs of Javanese script belongs to the good category. The Data generated from the test value writes the Javanese alphabet using two aspects that are aspects of knowledge and skill aspects. Students can know and understand how to write paragraphs of Javanese script correctly and appropriately according to each character.


