Systemic Functional Grammar, Theme and Rheme, The Queen Elizabeth II Broadcast.Abstract
This study focuses on Analysis of Textual meaning that consits of Theme and Rheme in the broadcast speech of Queen Elizabeth II about the pandemic of Coronavirus to the United Kingdom. The objectives of the research were: 1) To find out the kinds of textual meaning are found in The Queen’s Coronavirus Broadcast. 2) know the most dominant textual meaning that realized fin The Queen’s Coronavirus Broadcast. This research is belonging to the qualitative descriptive method for analyzing the data. The researcher uses Gerrot and Wignell’s (1994) theory and supported by Halliday and Matthiessen (2014) and Thomposon (2014) theory. As the result of analysis, this researcher is finding the application of Topical Theme, Textual Theme, and Interpersonal Theme. However, in the Interrogative theme, Imperative theme, and Exclamative theme, the researcher does not find the application of those themes in the object of the study. It is caused by the broadcast speech of Queen Elizabeth used a declarative clause which contains statements of her thanks and hopes in this pandemic of Coronavirus. There is no question, command, and prohibition that is forcing to the people. The results also show about the most dominat that used is The Topical theme that takes up 65 or 67%, which is divided into two types of Topical themes; Marked 35 or 36% and Unmarked 30 or 31%.