Digital Technologies to Demote the Interference of Phonological and Orthographic System of L1 Javanese


  • Sukma Nur Ardini Universitas PGRI Semarang


digital technologies, interference, phonological system, orthographic system, L1 Javanese


Having understandable pronunciation is the first thing to emphasize communicative competence. Regrettably, the mother tongue of the first language (L1) is one of the prominent factors affecting EFL learners, which will interfere with their pronunciation of English words, phrases, and sentences. On the other hand, research studies to date, indeed, have shown that digital technologies have become must-have tools that educators use to engage their students. The question is to what extent digital technology can help reduce interference, which continues to be a contentious issue. In my presentation, I will argue how to implement digital technologies to demote the interference of phonological and orthographic system of Javanese students. Hence, pronunciation will be seen as an eye-opening and amusing course the students will experience. As a result, the interference will be reduced and EFL learners will become more proficient in using digital technologies to optimize the target language.


