Teacher Collaborative Mindset in Developing Descriptive Topic in Senior High School


  • Denny Kodrat Universitas Sebelas April


mindset, collaboration, material development.


The study is aimed at investigating how teachers develop the English material in a descriptive topic by inserting a collaborative mindset towards senior high school students. The study was motivated by the challenging situation faced by Indonesian students. The collaborative is one of the required skills needed in the 21st century. The study was employed a qualitative approach with an analytical descriptive method. Teachers and students of SMA Negeri Jatinangor were selected as a subject of the research by put as an object of the research. The data, then, were collected by using observation, document analysis, and in-depth interviews. The theory of total quality management is employed to depict how a teacher collaborative mindset can improve the objective of the learning activities particularly in the descriptive topic. Credible references are used to analyze the data findings. From the analysis, it concludes that even though the teachers are not familiar with the collaborative mindset in developing material, they believe the mindset is important in improving teaching-learning activity. As an effort to design an interactive and creative learning activity, teachers can make collaboration with other teachers’ subjects in the descriptive topic. 


