Techniques In Translating Non-Standard English Into Indonesian In Spongebob Movie Subtitle


  • Aisyah Shafira Putri T Universitas PGRI Semarang
  • Jafar Sodiq Universitas PGRI Semarang
  • Rahmawati Sukmaningrum Universitas PGRI Semarang


Translation techniques, Non-standard English, Subtitling


This study focuses on translation techniques of non-standard English applied in “Spongebob Sponge on the Run” movie and its application plan in education based on 18 translation techniques from Molina and Albir (2002). The purposes of this final project are as follows 1) To know the translation techniques used in the Spongebob movie subtitle. 2) To know which technique is dominant used in the Spongebob movie subtitle. The writer chose this topic because the writer really wants to know more about the translation technique of every non-standard word in this “African style” movie. The writer used descriptive qualitative as a method to analyze the data. As a result, the writer found that 9 translation techniques were used to analyze personal pronouns. The results of this study are: Modulation as 15 data or 28.30%, Adaptation as 14 data or 26.42%, Transposition as 9 data or 16.98%, Particularization as 4 data or 7.55%, Literal Translation as 4 data or 7.55%, Reduction as 3 data or 5.66%, Established Equivalence n as 2 data or 3.77%, Generalization as 1 data or 1.89%, Discursive Creation as 1 data or 1.89%


