Descriptive Analysis Of Flouting Maxim In Movie Locked Down 2021


  • Angelina Dapawole Universitas PGRI Semarang
  • Jafar Sodiq Universitas PGRI Semarang
  • Siti Nur’Aini Universitas PGRI Semarang


Cooperative Principle, Flouting Maxim, Pragmatics


Communication is one of the essential aspects of human life. Every day people will communicate to exchange information, express opinions, or share experiences. In his book entitled Logic and Conversation, H.P Grice, mentions the rules that people can apply in their communication. The rule is the cooperative principle. The cooperative principle consists of four parts, the maxim of quality, the maxim of quantity, the Maxim of manner, and the Maxim of relation. And flouting maxim happens when people don’t follow the rules. This study uses qualitative descriptive methods to provide detailed explanation of the flouting  maxims in the dialogue movie. Based on the author's research in this final project, people commit to flouting the maxims for various reasons. The maxim of relations is the highest flout in this research. Flouting maxim in the dialogue can also affect the storyline of a movie. Actors and actresses commit transgressions to cover up one event after another. This trick makes the movie interesting because the audience is curious about what will happen next until their lies are exposed.


