Figurative Language In Support Hero Characters Of Mobile Legends Bang-Bang Game And Its Feasibility As Material Source For Teaching Semantics


  • Anjasmoro Anjasmoro Universitas PGRI Semarang
  • Wiyaka Wiyaka Universitas PGRI Semarang
  • Faiza Hawa Universitas PGRI Semarang


Semantic, Figurative Language, Mobile Legends Bang-Bang


The research focused on analyzing types of figurative language in support hero characters of Mobile Legends Bang-Bang game and its feasibility as material source for teaching semantics. According to Finocchioro in Ramelan (1984), language is an arbitrary system of vocal symbols, which allows all people in a particular culture, or others who have studied the system of that culture, to interact or to communicate with others. The study of meaning is usually referred to in a technical term called semantic, semantics also includes linguistics because meaning is part of language. Based on Tarigan (1985:7) semantics is the study of meaning. The meaning is expressed by symbols or signs that are analyzed. In humans and society, meaning in semantics has an influential relationship with each other. According to Keraf (2009), figurative language is a way to express thoughts through language. It can be interpreted that figurative language is very influential on the meaning to be conveyed, shown by the spirit and personality of the author who has a certain influence in the sentence to be conveyed. Figurative language can also be used to express of feeling like theme, ideas, and feeling of the author. If you can't understand figurative language the meaning expressed by the speakers, the communication will not be conveyed properly which means that “figurative language requires a special process that just happens after a literal fail” (Jay, 2003, p. 314). Perrine (1982:61) states that a way of saying something other than the usual way is a broad definition of figurative language. To express the meaning, figurative language uses a different way from literal interpretation. According to Khotari (2004:3), qualitative research is concerned with qualitative phenomenon, i.e., phenomena relating to or involving quality or kind. In behavioral science, qualitative research is very important because it aims to find the underlying motives for human behavior. In this study, the writer used qualitative method. The writer used the theory by Miles & Huberman (1994) to analyze the data. The writer founds 13 figurative languages in male support hero characters of Mobile Legends Bang-bang Game with details as follows: Simile 2 utterances, Metaphore 4 utterances, Hyperbole 2 utterances, Personification 4 utterances, Litotes 1 utterances. In Support Hero Characters of Mobile Legends Bang-bang Game use personification and metaphor as the dominant figurative languages both are equal in percentage of 30,4% above the total of figurative language found.


