An Analysis Of Figures Of Speech In Song Lyric Of The Album This Is Why By Paramore


  • Sania Milatina Santi Universitas PGRI Semarang
  • Arso Setyaji Universitas PGRI Semarang
  • Rahmawati Sukmaningrum Universitas PGRI Semarang


Figures of speech, song lyric, types of figures of speech, album This Is Why by Paramore


This final project is based on the study which analyzed the figures of speech used in song lyrics of Paramore‘s album. The objectives of the study are to identify the types and meaning of each figures of speech found in song lyrics of Paramore‘s album and to explain the contribution of this study to teaching poetry. This study is a qualitative research. The object of this study is seven song lyrics of Paramore. They are This Is Why, The News, Running Out Of Times, Big Man Little Dignity, Figure 8, Liar, and Thick Skull. In analyzing and collecting data, the writer did some steps. First, the writer reading and documenting the song lyrics to understand well the song lyrics about. Second, the writer identifying and classifying the data and finds the meaning of figures of speech to solve the statement of the problems correctly. Then, the writer found the contribution of figures of speech in Paramore‘s album to teaching poetry. The result of this study indicates that there are forty three figures of speech expressions. There are six expressions of symbol, eighteen expressions of metaphor, one expression of allusion, three expressions of simile, one expression of repetition, six expressions of irony, three expressions of hyperbole, two expressions of personification, one expression of paradox, one expression of oxymoron, and one expression of litotes. Then, after knowing the meaning of figures of speech in every sentences, the writer understands some messages of Paramore‘s song lyrics. The song lyrics talk about life, love, growth and discovery. Therefore, the writer assumes that Paramore‘s song lyrics can be used as materials in teaching poetry because the song lyrics contain many figures of speech and easy language. So, the students can recognize and understand about figures of speech easily. In addition, the song lyrics make the teaching and learning process lesson easier for both lecturer and students. And the figures of speech can improve students vocabularies, encourages active engagement and interpretation skills among the students.


