Post-Pandemic Development of A Project-Based Learning Model for the Poetry Class


  • Festi Himatu Karima Universitas PGRI Semarang
  • Indri Kustaninah Universitas PGRI Semarang
  • Zainal Arifin Universitas PGRI Semarang


Poetry, scientific discovery, local wisdom, creative process, Literature class


The research was conducted to assist students in comprehending Poetry courses that are frequently perceived as challenging. Some students find it difficult to understand poetry, as it employs a language that is rich in imagination. During the pandemic, students became more challenging to comprehend. Consequently, a novel approach to studying poetry was devised, founded on scientific discoveries. This approach encouraged students to produce a poetic course product from the simple objects they observed in their homes. The creative process is formed by the personal will of the students, which allows them to navigate it effortlessly. Consequently, this research generates a product consisting of a collection of poetry volumes to address the product gap that exists in the post-pandemic era.


