Pengembangan Sistem Customer Support Berbasis Website di Software House CV. Seven Media Technology Kota Semarang
Sistem Customer Support, Berbasis Website, Interaksi Pelanggan, Metode WaterfallAbstract
Technological developments affect customer service at the CV. Seven Media
Technology Software House in Semarang City. Currently, companies rely solely on phones
and apps like WhatsApp, but these methods have limitations in response time, conversation
history tracking, and information accessibility. Therefore, the development of a Website-Based
Customer Support System is important. Limited customer service faces challenges in the form
of low customer satisfaction, less efficiency, and difficulty getting help. The purpose of this
research is to develop an efficient Website-Based Customer Support System. The developed
system allows customers to contact the company through the website, increasing response
speed, conversation tracking efficiency, and information accessibility. This system was
developed using the Waterfall method and the development of this system is expected to
improve customer service and increase customer satisfaction and maintain service quality
amidst rapid business growth.
Keywords: Customer Support System, Web Based, Customer Interaction, Waterfall Method;
Perkembangan teknologi mempengaruhi layanan pelanggan di Software House CV.
Seven Media Technology di Kota Semarang. Saat ini, perusahaan hanya mengandalkan
telepon dan aplikasi seperti WhatsApp, namun metode tersebut memiliki keterbatasan dalam
waktu tanggapan, pelacakan riwayat percakapan, dan aksesibilitas informasi. Oleh karena itu,
pengembangan Sistem Customer Support Berbasis Website menjadi penting. Layanan
pelanggan yang terbatas menghadapi tantangan berupa kepuasan pelanggan yang rendah,
efisiensi yang kurang, dan sulitnya mendapatkan bantuan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah
mengembangkan Sistem Customer Support Berbasis Website yang efisien. Sistem yang
dikembangkan memungkinkan pelanggan menghubungi perusahaan melalui website,
meningkatkan kecepatan tanggapan, efisiensi pelacakan percakapan, dan aksesibilitas
informasi. Sistem ini dikembangkan menggunakan metode Waterfall dan pengembangan
sistem ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan layanan pelanggan serta dapat meningkatkan
kepuasan pelanggan dan menjaga kualitas layanan di tengah pertumbuhan bisnis yang pesat.
Kata Kunci: Sistem Customer Support, Berbasis Website, Interaksi Pelanggan, Metode Waterfall;