Menghadapi Era Digital: Inovasi Teknologi dalam Transformasi Layanan Pengaduan di Diskominfo Kabupaten Rembang


  • Nuryanto Sidiq Saputro Universitas PGRI Semarang
  • Mega Novita Universitas PGRI Semarang


Digital Era, Technological Innovations, Complaint Service Transformation, Diskominfo Rembang Regency


In the rapidly advancing digital era, local governments need to continuously adapt to  technological advancements to enhance their services to the public. The Department of  Communication and Informatics (Diskominfo) of Rembang Regency acknowledges the importance of utilizing technological innovations to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of  complaint handling services. The current complaint handling service in Diskominfo Rembang  still faces several challenges, such as lengthy reporting processes, lack of transparency in  complaint handling, and inefficiency in complaint management. These issues can lead to public  dissatisfaction and erode their trust in public services. This research aims to develop an  innovative and efficient complaint handling system using the latest technology. The prototyping  method is employed as the development approach. This approach allows developers to design, develop, and test the system iteratively, enabling improvements and refinements
based on received feedback. The programming language utilized for system development is  Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP), and the My Structured Query Language (MySQL) database is  used to store and manage complaint data. The outcome of this research is a complaint handling system that has been developed and implemented in Diskominfo Rembang. This  system accelerates the complaint reporting process, enhances transparency in complaint  handling, and provides a better user experience. The implications of this research include  increased public satisfaction with the complaint handling services of Diskominfo Rembang and  overall improvements in the effectiveness and efficiency of complaint management






