Sistem Pencarian Layanan PT. Angkasa Pura Suport Semarang Menggunakan Algoritma Sequential Search


  • Sesilyia Khalifatun Universitas PGRI Semarang
  • Khoiriya Latifah Universitas PGRI Semarang


Service, Sequential Search Algorithm, Search System, APS


With advancements in the aviation industry and airport management, operational efficiency and user have become paramount. Angkasa Pura Support (APS), a company delivering international standard property maintenance services across Indonesia, particularly in Central and Eastern regions, provides a broad spectrum of services for airport management and other public facilities. However, the extensive range of services offered can sometimes make it challenging for users to locate the specific information they need. To address this issue, a service search system utilizing the Sequential Search Algorithm has been developed. This system allows users to perform searches based on keywords, simplifying the process of finding the desired service. The implementation of the Sequential Search Algorithm in this system has proven effective in resolving these challenges, thereby helping users to easily identify the services available at the company. A company delivering international standard property maintenance services across Indonesia, particularly in Central and Eastern regions, provides a broad spectrum of services for airport management and other public facilities. However, the extensive range of services offered can sometimes make it challenging for users to locate the specific information they need. To address this issue, a service search system utilizing the Sequential Search Algorithm has been developed. This system allows users to perform searches based on keywords, simplifying the process of finding the desired service. The implementation of the Sequential Search Algorithm in this system has proven effective in resolving these challenges, thereby helping users to easily identify the services available at the company.



Perkembangan pada industri penerbangan dan pengelolaan bandara, efisiensi operasional serta kepuasan pengguna sangat penting. Angkasa Pura Supports (APS) adalah perusahaan yang menyediakan layanan property-maintenance berstandar internasional di Indonesia, khususnya di wilayah Indonesia Tengah dan Timur, serta menawarkan berbagai layanan untuk pengelolaan bandara atau fasilitas publik lainnya. Namun, keberagaman layanan yang ditawarkan sering kali membuat pengguna kesulitan menemukan informasi yang mereka butuhkan dengan cepat. Solusi untuk mengatasi masalah ini dengan mengembangkan sistem pencarian layanan menggunakan Algoritma Sequential Search. Algoritma ini memungkinkan pencarian berdasarkan kata kunci, sehingga pengguna dapat dengan  mudah menemukan layanan yang dicari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sistem pencarian yang dikembangkan efektif dan user-friendly, memungkinkan pengguna memasukkan kata kunci untuk menemukan layanan yang tersedia pada APS. Sistem ini diharapkan dapat memudahkan pengguna dalam pencarian layanan yang tersedia pada perusahaan.





