Prosiding Seminar Nasional Bimbingan dan Konseling (SMAILING) <p><strong>Prosiding Seminar Nasional Bimbingan dan Konseling (SMAILING)</strong> merupakan prosiding gagasan pemikiran dan hasil penelitian di bidang Bimbingan dan Konseling, yang diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Bimbingan dan Konseling Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas PGRI Semarang. Tujuan dari publikasi prosiding ini adalah untuk menyebarkan hasil penelitian dan gagasan pemikiran yang telah dicapai di bidang Psikologi dan Pendidikan.</p> <p>Jurnal terbit satu kali dalam satu tahun.</p> en-US (Desi Maulia S. Psi., M. Psi. Psikolog) (Admin Smailing) Sat, 04 May 2019 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 2 PENILAIAN DAN PERENCANAAN KARIR BAGI REMAJA MILLINEAL DI ABAD KE-21 <p>The writing of this article aims to prepare millennials in planning to face the changing times and still be able to obtain careers that are in accordance with their interests and potential or in accordance with the conditions of their times, as well as the things that school counselors must do so that students are more adaptive to careers. The background of this writing is due to seeing the changing conditions of information and communication technology which are increasingly sophisticated and changing lifestyles in various aspects, especially in people's careers. With the right interventions, namely constructivist and narrative methods, strivings, and career development involving twelve factors in the benefits of the four competencies. This article is a literature review with a variety of references and relevant documents such as books, e-books, career journals. Based on ways of using judgment to decide careers above expectations millennials are able to contribute to their own careers appropriately. With the description of career differences in the 20th Century and the 21st Century, millennials are able to explore the world of careers in more detail and breadth, so there is no need for fear of falling behind with the changing times, but inevitably the generations young people compete fairly to innovate in careers in the 21st century.</p> Berkatullah Amin, Anastasia Hariyati Copyright (c) 2020 Wed, 04 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PENGUATAN KONSELING ISLAMI DALAM MENGEMBANGKAN RESILIENSI SANTRI PESANTREN <p>Fenomena problematika santri di pesantren menjadi bagian fenomena umum remaja dengan permasalahan mereka yang hampir tak berbeda dari remaja yang hidup di luar pesantren. Namun karakteristik khas kehidupan pesantren menempatkan problematika perilaku remaja pesantren sebagai fenomena yang memiliki kekhasan tersendiri khususnya karena mereka berada dalam suatu komunitas yang memiliki basis nilai tertentu yang berbeda dari nilai masyarakat secara umum, daya resiliens seorang santri menjadi salah satu penguat. Resiliensi santri meliputi kemampuan dalam mengendalikan <em>impuls,</em> optimis menghadapi permasalahan, kemampuan empati ke santri lain dan lingkungan sekitar, menganalisis penyebab masalah, berefikasi&nbsp; diri, dan mampu meningkatkan aspek positif dalam hidup individu yang di dalamnya mampu membedakan risiko yang realistis dan tidak realistis, dan memiliki makna dan tujuan hidup serta mampu melihat gambaran besar dari kehidupan. Selain itu, strategi yang dikembangkan oleh pembimbing di pesantren dalam pembentukan resiliensi santri adalah strategi yang berhubungan dengan pembimbingan, strategi yang berhubungan dengan pengembangan kontrol dan monitor, dan strategi yang berhubungan dengan pengembangan diri santri secara psiko-religius, kemudian layanan bimbingan dan konseling Islami yang diterapkan oleh pengasuh dalam pengembangan resilienasi adalah pengembangan sikap ikhtiar, tawakkal, sabar, ikhlas, syukur dan istiqomah. Kegiatan pemberian layanan konseling dilaksanakan secara terstruktur dan tidak terstruktur</p> Muhamad Rozikan Copyright (c) 2020 Wed, 04 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PARTISIPASI GURU KELAS DENGAN PERMAINAN TERJERAT TALI <p><em>Teachers as professions in schools are obliged to help Guidance and Counseling services in schools, such as: actively participating in helping implement BK activities, providing information to BK staff, participating in case meetings, providing information to students, examining difficulties and progress of students, researching progress students, establish a relationship with parents of students, in collaboration with education instructors in collecting student data, identify problems, help solve students' problems, send students problems that cannot be solved to experts, identify, channel, develop talent. The aim of the study was to determine the role of classroom teachers with guidance and counseling at Bahu Palawa 1 Elementary School, a sample of 11 class teachers. The data collection tool uses the Check List technique, namely: a way to obtain data by making a list of questions addressed to all classroom teachers at Bahu Palawa SDN 1. Quantitative descriptive method to test the reality of participation by Class teachers with the method of playing entangled rope in the implementation of the guidance and counseling program, researchers used quantitative descriptive. The results of the study showed that almost all the objective components in the study were carried out with a percentage of 100% high enough by the class teacher. Based on the research, it was shown that the class teacher with the method of entangling the rope was very participating and supported the Guidance and Counseling Service Program at the Palawa Bahu SDN 1</em></p> Oktamia Karuniaty Sangalang, Sunaryo A I Copyright (c) 2020 Wed, 04 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PODCAST SINERGI SEBAGAI INOVASI LAYANAN BIMBINGAN KONSELING <p>The research in the development of guidance and counselling media by using the Spotify application named "Sinergi". This podcast is specifically related to mental health and careers with the users at aged of 20-25 years. Podcast selected as a media because there are still many teenagers that cannot be decided related to independent freedom and do not get psychological information services. There are stages of develop the media 1) preliminary studies and theoretical studies, 2) preparation/development of media, 3) feasibility tests, 4) effectiveness tests, 5) empirical tests and 6) improvement of models/media. Content presented includes mental health topics including stress, psychosomatic and well-being. While career topics include career plans, career decisions, and career in 4.0 era. Results of the effectiveness and empirical test 97% of users can feel the benefits associated with the information conveyed. Results of t hitung = 10.30&gt; t table = 2.10. There is significant difference between the control and the experimental class. It is very interesting to be regularly updated on mental health and career topics that are relevant in daily life. So that users can feel the benefits directly or indirectly, and be able to apply in daily life and can strengthen hardiness and self-resilience</p> Siwi Vilia Intan Sari, Rohmatus Naini Copyright (c) 2023 Wed, 04 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 DINAMIKA RESILIENSI SISWA SMK <p>This study aims to find out about the dynamics of resilience in vocational students. The research method used in this study is a qualitative research method. The respondents of this study were vocational students aged 15 years to 18 years. This research will be conducted from October to December in the odd semester of 2019/2020. Analysis and data collection is done by observation, interviews, and documentation. So it is hoped that after completing this research the researcher can find out how the dynamics of vocational students' resilience, which can then be used as a provision by the supervising teacher to reach expectations, ideals and happiness as the life goals of students.</p> Yuli Setiyawati Copyright (c) 2020 Wed, 04 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 RESILIENSI DENGAN SOLUTION FOCUSED BRIEF THERAPY UNTUK SISWA SMA <p><strong>Abstract</strong>. Resilience is a person's ability to deal with problems, strengthen himself, or change difficult conditions for the better. One intervention strategy that has been widely used to develop resilience is Solution-focused Brief Therapy, which is considered quite efficient with results and has a significant impact in solving problems and is more practical. Besides this, adolescents today face demands and expectations, as well as dangers and temptations, which seem more numerous and complex than those experienced by adolescents of the past. This approach will be useful for counselors to collaborate and help counselees to be more effective in solving problems.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Resilience, Solution-focused Brief Therapy, High School Students.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Abstrak</strong>. Resiliensi adalah kemampuan seseorang untuk menghadapi masalah, menguatkan dirinya, atau mengubah kondisi sulit menjadi lebih baik. Salah satu strategi intervensi yang telah banyak digunakan untuk mengembangkan resiliensi adalah <em>Solution-focused Brief Therapy</em>, dinilai cukup efisien dengan hasil dan memiliki dampak yang signifikan dalam memecahkan masalah dan lebih praktis. Disamping itu remaja masa kini menghadapi tuntutan dan harapan, demikian juga bahaya dan godaan, yang tampaknya lebih banyak dan kompleks ketimbang yang dialami oleh remaja masa lalu. Pendekatan ini akan berguna bagi konselor untuk berkolaborasi dan membantu konseli untuk menjadi lebih efektif dalam memecahkan masalah.</p> <p><strong>Kata kunci:</strong> Resiliensi, <em>Solution-focused Brief Therapy</em>, Siswa SMA</p> Hani' Rosyidah, Dian Fitriani, Dewi Susanti Copyright (c) 2020 Wed, 04 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000