Aspek Sosial dalam Naskah Ringkang Peuting Saduran Rosid E. Abby
Concise Peuting, Sociology of Literature, Rosid E AbbyAbstract
The purpose of this study is 1) to describe the elements that build the drama Short Peeping Rosid E Abby adaptations 2) reveal the social aspects in the drama Short Peuting adaptations Rosid E Abby 3) describe the implementation of the social aspects of the drama Short Peuting Rosid E Abby adaptations as Objects what was investigated was the social aspect in the short drama Peuting adaptation of Rosid E Abby through a sociological approach to literature. The data used in this study are social aspects in the play drama short summary Peuting adaptation of Rosid E Abby in the form of discourse. Data sources used are primary data sources and secondary data sources. Data collection techniques used are library techniques, refer to techniques and note-taking techniques. The data analysis technique used is the dialectic technique. Based on structural analysis, the theme in the short drama Peeping adaptations Rosid E Abby A woman named Ningsih experienced a failure in the household, then she knew middle-aged Mamih who turned out to be the pimp Alur in the drama Short Peuting adaptations Rosid E Abby was advancing. The characters found in the drama Short Peeping adaptation of Rosid E Abby, namely the main character Ningsih round figure (Mamih), simple character (Somad), and others as supporting figures. The setting in the short drama Peuting adaptation of Rosid E Abby is examined through three aspects, namely the setting of the place, the setting of time, and the social setting, namely the social problems that occur in people's lives.