Seminar Nasional Bahasa, Sastra, Budaya Daerah, dan Pembelajarannya en-US Tue, 06 Oct 2020 03:21:45 +0000 OJS 60 Analisis Variasi Leksikon Relik Dialek Gresik dalam Kitab Kuning Bidayatul Hidayah Terjemahan Pegon Jawa (Kajian Dialektologi) <p><em>The variation of the lexicon occurs because of a shift in shape, phonological changes, and a shift in meaning. Therefore, to discover more about the location of the variation, the study entitled Variation Analysis of the Gresik Dialectic Relics Lexicon in the Bare Book Bidayatul Hidayah Javanese Pegon Translation (Dialectology Study) intend to describe the variation of Gresik dialectic relax lexicon in the Bare Book of Bidayatul Hidayah translation of Javanese Pegon based on Swadesh vocabulary and describ</em><em>e its mapping. This study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive techniques. The data collection techniques used in this study are the techniques of reading and engaging, fishing techniques, recording techniques, and note-taking techniques. The data source of this study were 24 people consisting of one main informant and two informants. This research uses a list of 200 words which are divided into 8 fields of meaning. The data obtained amounted to 200 glosses from 4 DP (as Research Area) and each DP there are 2 TP (as Research Points) namely DP 1 Bungah District TP 1 Masangan Village and TP 2 Sung</em><em>onlegowo</em><em> Village, DP 2 Manyar District TP 3 Betoyoguci Village and TP 4 Leran Village, D</em><em>P</em><em> 3 Kebomas District TP 5 Giri Village and TP 6 Sidomukti Village, and D</em><em>P</em><em> 4 Kecamatana Gresik TP 7 Mud Village and TP 8 Sukorame Village. The lexical isogloss found on a thin line at DP 1: 6 1: 8 signifies a slight similarity. This is because DP 1 has slightly more isogloss thickness than DP 6 and 8. Then there is a fairly thick line on DP 3: 5, 4: 6, and 5: 6 which indicates quite a lot of similarities because each DP has a thick isogloss thickness all the same.</em></p> Ahmad Jami’ul Amil, Lailatul Qodriyah Copyright (c) 2020 Mon, 05 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Pembelajaran Tembang Berbasis HOTS di SMK Kota Semarang <p><em>Javanese language subjects are compulsory subjects at the elementary to high school education levels in Central Java Province. One of the materials in the Javanese language curriculum is tembang. Tembang learning must be by the objectives of the 2013 Curriculum, which is to develop the talents, interests, and potential of students so that they are characterized, competent, and literate. Challenges in 21st-century learning and curriculum changes in 2013 require the pedagogical ability of teachers as teachers to be more able to design learning to be more interesting and meaningful, teaching and learning activities must be expanded beyond the boundaries of the classroom. The interaction of students with the surrounding environment must be reproduced by various forms of methodology. Teachers have problems teaching macapat material both in nembang technique and teaching based on the HOTS-based 2013 curriculum. The condition of Javanese language subjects, which are only local content in Central Java, means that teachers rarely get technical guidance from the regional government of Central Java province. The UPGRIS PKM Team provided a solution by holding training on macapat nembang techniques and teaching. This activity was held for three months, starting from October to December 2019 with 2 face-to-face meetings in the form of workshops or online training and mentoring. The output target of this activity is the improvement of professional and pedagogical competence, national proceeding articles, national journal articles, and printed newspaper publications.</em></p> Alfiah Alfiah, Bambang Sulanjari, Nanik Setyawati Copyright (c) 2020 Mon, 05 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Nilai Moral dalam Serat Andhaning Gesang Karya Prawiraatmaja <p><em>This study aims to explain the moral values ​​in Andhaning Gesang Karya Prawiraatmaja fibers. This research is qualitative research. The method used is a qualitative method, which is a study that describes each verse that contains moral values ​​which result in data in the form of words, phrases, clauses, sentences, and even the verses themselves which are related to the moral values ​​in Serat Andhaning Gesang. Prawiraatmaja's work. The approach used is an objective approach. The data source of this research is Serat Andhaning Gesang. This Andhaning Gesang fiber has 51 pages. The data collection technique used in this research is by reading, taking notes, classifying, and linking with existing supporting theories. The results of this study are in the form of an analysis of moral values ​​in Andhaning Gesang Karya Prawiraatmaja fibers. The moral values ​​contained are moral values ​​related to oneself (resilient, never give up, feel happy, wise, disciplined, steady, worried, optimistic, restrained), moral values ​​of human relationships with other humans (role models), and moral values ​​of relationships. humans with God (patient, grateful, surrender or tawakal, accept destiny, repent).</em></p> Anggita Kusuma Wardani, Bambang Sulanjari, Alfiah Alfiah Copyright (c) 2020 Mon, 05 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Pandangan Hidup Tokoh Utama dalam Novel Ontran-Ontran Sarinem Karya Tulus Setiyadi <p><strong><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </em></strong><em>The purpose of this research was to describe the main character’s point of view in Ontran-Ontran Sarinem novel opus by Tulus Setiyadi. The problem statement of this research was on how is the point of view of Ontran-Ontran Sarinem novel. The method of this research was descriptive qualitative. The data of the research consisted of word, phrase, sentence, and discourse which contained the main character’s point of view. The theory used literacy sociology which focused on the main character’s point of view. The technique of data collection was conducted by reading and wrote the data quotation which contained the main character’s point of view in Ontran-Ontran Sarinem novel. After the researcher collected the data then the data analysis was conducted by reducing the data, displaying the data, and concluded the data. The result of the research was consist of three types of point of view, they were: the point of view in human and God relation, point of view in human and fellow, and point of view in human and her/his-self. The main character’s point of view based on Sarinem’s strong principle in order to face the problem. The principle was used to determine the main character’s choice in acting and her life-guidance that showed the form of point of view.&nbsp; </em></p> An-Nisa Yulia Susantika, Yuli Kurniati Werdiningsih, Nuning Zaidah Copyright (c) 2020 Mon, 05 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Denta Braille, Upaya Pengenalan Aksara Jawa Bagi Tunanetra <p>Javanese script is one of the cultural heritages that can be learned by all people, including persons <em>with disabilities, especially the blind. However, learning Javanese characters for blind students still experiences problems such as those experienced by MILB Budi Asih Semarang. So far, learning the Javanese script at MILB Budi Asih Semarang has not been conveyed optimally. Students only know Javanese script orally without knowing its original form. This has become an obstacle in the Javanese script learning process so far. This study aims to create Javanese script learning media for blind people as an effort to meet the competency standards in the 2013 curriculum with local content. The development research approach used is the research approach proposed by Plomp. This approach includes five stages of research. The product produced in this study is a medium for the introduction of Javanese characters for the visually impaired which is named "Denta Braille". The form of this media is in the form of a board containing twenty basic letters of Javanese script, which is accompanied by braille as a reading aid for blind students. The introduction of Javanese script using this media can make it easier for blind students to learn Javanese script. That way, visually impaired students who initially only knew the sounds of Javanese characters can now recognize the original Javanese script well. Increasing student abilities as measured through observing each stage of the learning program produces positive outcomes. However, this product is still limited to the legena script or basic letters. For that, it is necessary to develop other Javanese script elements.</em></p> Ayunda Dea Sanandita, Mujimin Mujimin Copyright (c) 2020 Mon, 05 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Bahasa Persuasif Pedagang di Pasar <p><em>Language is a very important thing and cannot be separated from human life in daily interactions. Language is used in social activities such as when communicating at home, at school, on the road, and in the market. As for the method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive research method through analysis, while the population in this study is 102 traders with sampling techniques in the form of cluster random sampling, and 20% sample is taken with a total of 20 traders or dialogue during the sale and purchase transaction. Data collection techniques in this study used three techniques, namely listening techniques, record techniques, and note-taking techniques. Based on the analysis of the use of the persuasive language of traders to buyers in buying and selling transactions in Talang Padang Market, there are 15 traders who use a complete persuasive structure, five traders whose persuasive structures are incomplete, 16 traders who do not use the persuasive language rules completely, and four traders who completely use complete linguistic rules.</em></p> Dessy Saputry Copyright (c) 2020 Mon, 05 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Learning Object Kompetensi Menulis Sandhangan Mandaswara bagi Kelas X SMK N 6 Semarang <p><em>Javanese script learning often experiences gaps between targets and outcomes, especially in the writing competence of Sandhangan Mandaswara. The mistakes experienced by students lies in the writing rules of Sandhangan Mandaswara in writing words, sentences, and paragraphs. The purpose of this study is to describe the needs of students and teachers, arrange the prototype design of teaching materials, and describe the results of expert tests. The data sources of this research are grade X students of SMK N 6 Semarang, Javanese language teachers, and Javanese language lecturers. Data collection techniques were carried out using observation, interviews, questionnaires, and expert test assessment sheets. The results of the needs of students and teachers state that the need for additional books that are interesting and contain complete material to guide students in learning to write sandhangan mandaswara and can be a solution to overcome the difficulties experienced by students. Prototype design of instructional materials that were developed using the structure of instructional materials that have been restructured into a structure of teaching materials that were more detailed, simple, and complete, so as to produce a new structure that is used as a benchmark for compiling teaching materials that are developed. The structure of these basic teaching materials include; 1) learning objectives; 2) subject matter; 3) assessment. The results of the validation assessment of the material experts and users are divided into 3 aspects of the assessment. The relevance aspect gained an average value of 91.67% (very feasible), the consistency aspect gained an average of 86.11% (very feasible), the adequacy aspect gained an average value of 85.83% (very feasible). Conclusions from these aspects of the assessment obtained an average value of 87.25% with a very decent category. Then according to the 3 validators, the developed teaching material is very suitable for use in learning although it still needs revision to improve the quality of the teaching material.</em></p> Dewi Amalia Burhani, Mujimin Mujimin Copyright (c) 2020 Mon, 05 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Register dan Faktor Sosial yang Digunakan dalam Komunitas Waria di Kelurahan Tlogosari Wetan Kota Semarang <p><em>This research took the topic about the Register and social factors used in the she male community in the village of Tlogosari Wetan Semarang. The purpose of this research is to describe (a) the form of the Register of languages used by the transvestite, (b) The meaning of the transvestite language Register, (c) the function of the use of She male language register.</em></p> <p><em>This type of research uses qualitative descriptive research. Data collection techniques are done by tapping technique, see proficient see and record. While data analysis techniques are conducted by studying data, classifying data, analysis, and withdrawal of compulsion.</em></p> <p><em>Based on the results of the research, the register of she male language in the village of Tlogosari Wetan Semarang is a variant/variety of languages. The she male language is only used by the group she male and those who hang out and are familiar with She male. The findings in this study are as follows: (1) The vocabulary based on its classification is source and relationship, (2) the meaning of vocabulary, and, (3) The function of She male language based on its use namely as self-identity and group.</em></p> Dwi Ayu Wulandari, Sunarya Sunarya, Bambang Sulanjari Copyright (c) 2020 Mon, 05 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0000 The Ecology of Oral Literature in Betimbang Tradition of Indigenous People in Kampung Tua Way Kanan Lampung <p><em>Kampung Tua Negara Batin is one of the areas in Lampung province that still upholds the noble values ​​of the cultural traditions of its ancestors and keeps the oral tradition passed down from generation to generation. The focus of this research study is the oral tradition in Betimbang tradition. This study aims to describe the oral traditions contained in the Betimbang traditional procession in indigenous peoples in Kampung Tua Negara Batin, Way Kanan Regency, and benefits in documenting the oral traditions of the ancestors and adding references in cultural studies and oral literature in Lampung. This qualitative research implemented a data collection process to data analysis and it was approached by several cultural analysis models. The results indicate that the Betimbang tradition begins with the form of the Betimbang traditional ceremony, the function of the Betimbang traditional ceremony, and the symbolic meaning of the Betimbang traditional ceremony. This Betimbang tradition represents the sustainability of the ecological culture of the indigenous people in Kampung Tua Negara Batin, Way Kanan Regency in spite of the fact that all the ritual processes followed the health protocol in the new normal. All of these stages are inseparable from the ecology of oral literature and have the meaning that the newborn baby (grandson) is a legitimate heir in kepunyimbangan and as a bind of the next ritual procession.</em></p> Farida Ariyani, Eka Agustina Agustina, Siska Mega Diana Copyright (c) 2020 Mon, 05 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Realitas Sosial yang Tercermin dalam Teks Naskah Kethoprak Lakon Suminten Edan Karya Mey Purbo Asmoro Kajian Sosiologi Sastra <p><em>This research was motivated by the researcher's lack of knowledge about social reality as reflected in the text of the Kethoprak Lakon Suminten Edan by Mey Purbo Asmoro. The text of the manuscript has many reflections in the form of social problems that occur so that it creates interpretations called social reality. The formulation of the problem in this study is how social reality is reflected in the text of the Suminten Edan play by Mey Purbo Asmoro according to the sociological theory of literature.</em><em> The purpose of this research is to explain how the Social Reality is reflected in the text of Mey Purbo Asmoro's Kethoprak play Suminten Edan according to the sociological theory of literature.</em> <em>The methodology used in this research uses descriptive qualitative research methods. The data source of this research is the text of the manuscript Kethoprak Lakon Suminten Edan by Mey Purbo Asmoro with research data in the form of words, phrases, clauses, sentences, and discourses in it. The data collection technique used was the technique of reading and recording data from the</em><em> text</em><em> Kethoprak Lakon Suminten Edan. Then the data that has been collected is analyzed using data reduction techniques, data classification, and presenting the data.</em> <em>Based on the data analysis, the results of the research can be stated that in the text of the Kethoprak play, Suminten Edan, there are objective social realities in the form of the social reality of crime, the social reality of law, the social reality of religion, the social reality of poverty, the social reality of arbitrariness, and the social reality of love.</em></p> Hana Rohadatul Aesy, Nuning Zaidah, Yuli Kurniati Werdiningsih Copyright (c) 2020 Mon, 05 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Aspek Sosial dalam Novel Cinencang Lawe Karya Tulus Setiyadi Kajian Sosiologi Sastra <p><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </em><em>This research discusses the social aspects contained in the novel Cin</em><em>encang </em><em>Lawe. The formulation of the problem of this research is how the social aspects of the novel Cinencang Lawe are formed. The purpose of this study is to describe the social aspects contained in the novel Cine</em><em>ncang</em><em>Lawe, the study of the sociology of literature.</em> <em>This study uses a qualitative descriptive method because the data is in the form of words, phrases, clauses, and sentences. The data source of this research is the novel Cine</em><em>ncang</em><em> Lawe. Data collection techniques use library techniques, reading techniques, and writing techniques. Data analysis uses data reduction techniques, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification.</em> <em>The results of this study indicate that the novel Cinemes Lawe has a social aspect consisting of the social and economic environment in the form of awareness of the importance of helping, maintaining good relationships with others, every human being has the opportunity to make changes, and communication is very important in build a trust.</em></p> Marisa Ardiyanti, Bambang Sulanjari, Nuning Zaidah Copyright (c) 2020 Mon, 05 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Implikatur dalam Tuturan Jual Beli Pedagang Kaki Lima di Malioboro <p><em>This research is motivated by the existence of buying and selling transactions carried out by traders and buyers, it is possible that there will be a lot of speech acts either directly or indirectly, especially when traders and buyers are bargainings to reach a price agreement. Thus the problem can be formulated as follows: (1) What are the implications in the sales and purchase of street vendors in Malioboro? and (2) What is the implied pragmatic function in the speech of the street vendors selling and buying in Malioboro?</em></p> <p><em>This research is a qualitative descriptive study because it is used to explain data in the form of deixis and implicature. The approach applied in this research is an objective approach. Sources of research data are conversations between sellers and buyers in Malioboro with research data in the form of contexts, phrases, and sentences which are manifested in the buying and selling conversation of street vendors in Malioboro. The technique used in power collection is the recording technique. Furthermore, the collected data were analyzed using the equivalent method.</em></p> <p><em>Based on the data analysis, the research results can be stated: (1) The manifestations of the implications in the sales and purchase of street vendors in Malioboro include: 1) expressive implicatures; 2) Representative implicature; 3) Commissive implicature; and 4) directive implicature; (2) The implicature pragmatic functions contained in the speech of the street vendors selling and buying in Malioboro include: 1) expressive implicature functions of praising, thanking, asking, criticizing, complaining; 2) representative implicature functions to state, report, show, mention; 3) the commissive implicature functions to promise, swear, threaten, reject; and 4) directive implicature functions to instruct, beg, suggest, command, challenge.</em></p> <p><em>Starting from the results of the research, it is suggested that other researchers who are interested in the same field need to conduct research on speech acts performed in environments other than street vendors in Malioboro who are the research subjects. This is used as a reference to differentiate the speech acts performed by traders and buyers at street vendors in Malioboro and the surrounding environment.</em></p> Mega Rasika Pandegani, Sunarya Sunarya, Bambang Sulanjari Copyright (c) 2020 Mon, 05 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Maksim Kebijaksanaan dalam Tuturan Pedagang dan Pembeli di Tempat Pelelangan Ikan Desa Kluwut <p><em>Actually, the standard of mannerliness in using language depended on society’s speech. It was like happened in a market environment when the trader offered a product, they will use suitable language in the environment. The purpose of this research was to describe the type of tact maxim that occurred during the trader and buyer’s speech in the place of Auction Fish Kluwut Village. This research used a descriptive qualitative method. The data of this research were trader and buyer’s speech in the place of Auction Fish Kluwut Village. The Source of the data were consisting of the trader and buyer’s speech in the place of Auction Fish Kluwut Village. The technique of data collection used free observation and conversation techniques, recording techniques, and writing techniques. The technique of data analysis as consisting of two steps, they were: analyzed before in the field and analyzed in the field. The result of the data displayed technique used informal method in the form of formal Indonesia language variety. Based on the result of the research, it could be drawn that Mannerliness’ language used by trader and buyer depended on the speech's situation and condition and friend’s speech. The type of using tact maxim on the trader and buyer consisted of negotiation statements, bargaining, demand, and rejection. The process of trade transaction was not always used the tact maxim principle.</em></p> Monalisa Ariviana Dewi, Sunarya Sunarya, Nuning Zaidah Copyright (c) 2020 Mon, 05 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Aspek Sosial dalam Naskah Ringkang Peuting Saduran Rosid E. Abby <p><em>The purpose of this study is 1) to describe the elements that build the drama Short Peeping Rosid E Abby adaptations 2) reveal the social aspects in the drama Short Peuting adaptations Rosid E Abby 3) describe the implementation of the social aspects of the drama Short Peuting Rosid E Abby adaptations as Objects what was investigated was the social aspect in the short drama Peuting adaptation of Rosid E Abby through a sociological approach to literature. The data used in this study are social aspects in the play drama short summary Peuting adaptation of Rosid E Abby in the form of discourse. Data sources used are primary data sources and secondary data sources. Data collection techniques used are library techniques, refer to techniques and note-taking techniques. The data analysis technique used is the dialectic technique. Based on structural analysis, the theme in the short drama Peeping adaptations Rosid E Abby A woman named Ningsih experienced a failure in the household, then she knew middle-aged Mamih who turned out to be the pimp Alur in the drama Short Peuting adaptations Rosid E Abby was advancing. The characters found in the drama Short Peeping adaptation of Rosid E Abby, namely the main character Ningsih round figure (Mamih), simple character (Somad), and others as supporting figures. The setting in the short drama Peuting adaptation of Rosid E Abby is examined through three aspects, namely the setting of the place, the setting of time, and the social setting, namely the social problems that occur in people's lives.</em></p> Muhamad Munif Copyright (c) 2020 Mon, 05 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Variasi Penggunaan Tingkat Tutur Bahasa Jawa Petani Sayur di Desa Penjalin Kecamatan Brangsong Kabupaten Kendal <p><em>This research is motivated by the lack of research on the Javanese language and the lack of use of the level of manners among vegetable farmers in Penjalin village, Brangsong sub-district in the use of Javanese speech levels between farmers. In connection with this problem, the formulation of the problem studied is how the variation and use of Javanese language level of speech for vegetable farmers in the village of Penjalin, Brangsong sub-district. This research is qualitative descriptive research, using a sociolinguistic theory that focuses on the use of Javanese speech levels in the Penjalin village, Brangsong sub-district.</em> <em>Data collection techniques using synchronous matching techniques. Based on the analysis of the research results, it was found that the use of the ngoko speech level which was spoken by vegetable farmers and vegetable farmers, vegetable farmers with middlemen, middlemen with middlemen, and middlemen with vegetable buyers. Ngoko’s speech level dominates in the results of this study because of the frequent greetings of farmers and middlemen, the proximity of the rice fields between farmers so that they often communicate, there is a similarity in professions, the same economic level, common fate, and already know each other between farmers so they have a sense of closeness.</em></p> Puji Wahyuni, Sunarya Sunarya, Bambang Sulanjari Copyright (c) 2020 Mon, 05 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0000 24 Jam Menari Secara Virtual Sebagai Wujud Peran Budaya Jawa di Masa New Normal <p><em>Covid 19, a small virus, is difficult to detect but the symptoms are very dangerous. This virus also entered Indonesia and made a tremendous impact in all fields. The impact of the economy, social, politics, and cultural arts experienced the impact of covid 19. A situation that has hit Indonesia for several months so that the cultural sector has also been affected by covid 19. Government policy is not to hold activities that invite crowds. Even though we have kept our distance, changed habits, the tradition of washing hands is still uncertain and guarantees that the virus does not catch and spread. Conditions that have not yet recovered have made another solution chosen from the sides of the policymakers to keep arts and cultural activities running. Describe the 24-hour role of dancing for the preservation of cultural arts by looking for qualitative descriptive data. Interviews, observations were also carried out and libraries and documents. Data analysis is to reveal the data in detail and the data is obtained validly. In addition, a study document is needed in order to reveal the data validly. The role of 24 hours dancing virtually / online keeps artistic creativity and innovation going. Art life continues and artists/choreographers have a place to work. Virtuals were held at the Central Java Cultural Park, Wisma Seni, SMK 8, at artists' houses, and art studios.</em></p> Sawitri Sawitri Copyright (c) 2020 Mon, 05 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Kekerasan Verbal Terhadap Tokoh Perempuan dalam Tiga Judul Dagelan Jawa Basiyo <p><em>This research was conducted to prove and describe the existence of verbal violence perpetrated by male characters against female characters in Tiga Dagelan Jawa Mataram Basiyo Titles. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research method. The data are in the form of words, phrases, and sentences that contain elements of verbal violence by male characters against female characters in the Three Titles of Javanese Mataram Basiyo Dagelan. The theory used is the theory of feminism with a focus on violence against women and the efforts made by women in responding to this violence. The results of this study reveal that there are several types of verbal violence, which the researchers then classified into four types of verbal violence, namely, physical verbal violence, sexual verbal violence, association verbal violence, and social verbal violence in slapstick committed by male characters against female characters.</em></p> Septian Cahyo Ady Wicaksono, Yuli Kurniati Wediningsih, Sunarya Sunarya Copyright (c) 2020 Mon, 05 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Potret Kehidupan Pedesaan Masyarakat Banjar Era Covid 19 dalam Kisdap Tangisan Anak Banua <p><em>The purpose of this study is to describe the portrait of the rural life of the Banjar community in the Covid 19 era in the Tangisan Anak Banua situation. Kisdap is a short story in Banjar language. Kisdap Tangisan Anak Banua represents Banjar regional literary works that tell the problems of the life of the village community in earning a living. The simplicity and dilemma of the characters in defending a plot of rice fields on which the family lives are based become a touching story. The choice to sell land to a coal company creates both hope and misery for the character. The pressure to sell from the village apparatus is increasingly cornering his choice. This stance at the same time provides an overview of the hardships of people's lives in meeting their daily needs. This research is a descriptive study using qualitative methods. The approach used to analyze kisdap uses the sociology of literature. Data collected through a literature study. The data source chosen came from Hatmiati's book Pilangur salusin kisdap. The collected data is then processed by doing three stages, namely identification, classification, and interpretation of data. The results showed that the portrait of rural life in the Banjar community relies on nature to survive, namely by farming. However, the amount of agricultural land owned by the Banjar community has decreased due to pressure from the purchase of land for a coal company</em></p> Sri Wahyu Nengsih Copyright (c) 2020 Mon, 05 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Strategi Pembelajaran Bahasa Jawa SMP Negeri Subrayon 04 Kabupaten Demak di Masa New Normal <p><em>Javanese language learning strategies at SMP Negeri Subrayon 04 Demak district in the new normal period include learning conditions, learning techniques used, the curriculum used, learning theme selection criteria, learning technique selection criteria, introduction to online learning in students, supporting books used, and evaluation format. This research is a descriptive qualitative naturalistic study. The subject of this research is a Javanese language teacher who teaches public schools in subrayon 04, Demak district. The analysis used is situation analysis and a survey where the survey method is to find information, identify, make decisions by observation, literature study, interviews, and documentation. From the research results, it is known that the Javanese language learning strategy used in the new normal period in subrayon 04 districts (1) learning is still carried out as usual, online refers to the emergency curriculum by 66.7%; (2) learning was carried out flexibly, effectively, and economically at 88.9%; (3) emergency curriculum in accordance with the circular submitted by the minister of education and culture of the Republic of Indonesia, 66.7%; (4) the learning theme is chosen by paying attention to the emergency curriculum, incorporating literacy and character education by 77.8%; (5) the introduction of learning techniques using google form of 88.9%; (6) learning using google form is 88.9%; (7) supporting books are library books lent by schools by 66.7%; (8) the evaluation was carried out after the students went through several online learning sessions amounting to 66.7%; (9) format in the form of knowledge and skills assessment of 66.7%; (10) the evaluation application uses Google Format 100%.</em></p> Sumber Harno Copyright (c) 2020 Mon, 05 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Strategi Pembelajaran Bahasa Sunda di Masa New Normal <p><em>The Industrial Era 4.0 with the flow of globalization accompanied by increasingly sophisticated technological developments, which emphasize the digital economy, artificial intelligence, big data, robotic phenomena, is known as the phenomenon of disruptive innovation. Information is abundant everywhere and can be easily accessed. Long distance communication via cyberspace is getting faster and more sophisticated. Not to mention that it was reinforced by the emergence of Pademi Covid 19 which demanded that community members implement social distancing (physical distancing), lockdown, and have to stay at home, of course, communication surfaced has decreased. These conditions affect various situations in people's lives, both daily life, business and industry (DUDI), and the world of education. The educational process was disrupted. Educators and students cannot gather and meet directly in the classroom as offline activity. Education through online (online) through educators, students, and parents. Problems also began to emerge, starting from the lack of an Android cellphone, internet quota fees, technology failure, and extra parental involvement. This applies to various subjects, including regional language subjects (Sundanese). Need wise thoughts and actions in implementing online learning. In the New Normal Period, the power of the learning process through online began to strengthen, but learning through offline was still needed. Finally, the two of them still share and are equally strong. To overcome this, a mixed model called the Blended Learning Model is needed. Online learning is carried out through the media of Google Classroom and Whatsapp, while offline learning is carried out through the media of Student Worksheets (LKPD). Both are carried out by educators and students without standing up.</em></p> Yayat Sudaryat Copyright (c) 2020 Mon, 05 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Penerapan Metode Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition Berbantu Media Audio Visual Pada Pembelajaran Pawarta Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 3 Gabus Tahun Pembelajaran 2019/2020 <p><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The formulation of the problem in this study is how the results of the application of the Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition learning method with the help of audio-visual media in learning to write newsletters for Grade VIII students of SMP Negeri 3 Gabus in the 2019/2020 academic year.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; This research is included in the type of quantitative research. The design of this study uses a true-experimental design in the form of a posttest-only control design approach. The independent variable is the cooperative integrated audio-visual assisted cooperative reading and composition method which is applied to learning to write newsletters. The population of this research was all students of class VIII of SMP Negeri 3 Gabus. The sampling technique uses simple random sampling which is used as a sample, namely students of class VIII A totaling 32 students and of VIII B 33. Data source in the form of learning to write newsletters, with tangible data values from test results. The data research technique used is a test technique. The value obtained is then calculated and analyzed using SPSS version 22.</em></p> <p><em>Based on data analysis obtained through SPSS version 22, a one-sided Independent Sample t-test for the upper side with P-value or Sig. (2-tailed) of 0,000 which is smaller than the significance level (α = 0.05). Then the average value of the experimental class was 78, and the control class only got an average value of 70. Of the 32 students in the experimental class (VIII A), 27 of them had grades above the KKM of 70. Whereas 2 students got 70, and 3 students under the KKM. Different from the control class (VIII B) of 33 students, only 21 received grades above KKM 70. But 12 of them were still below KKM 70. So it can be concluded that the application of the Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition method was assisted by audio-visual media towards learning writing newsletters for Grade VIII students of SMP Negeri 3 Gabus can be used and produce significant grades.</em></p> Bayu Iswara Saputra, Alfiah Alfiah, Nuning Zaidah Copyright (c) 2020 Tue, 06 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Kemampuan Menulis Paragraf Aksara Jawa Siswa Kelas VII SMP Islam Al-Kautsar Semarang Tahun Ajaran 2019 <p><em>This research is backed by the low ability of grade VII students of SMP Islam Al-Kautsar in writing a Javanese paragraph. In connection with the problem, then the problem that is examined, how is the ability to write a paragraph of Javanese alphabet students grade VII SMP Islam Al-Kautsar Semarang in 2019? The purpose of this research describes the ability to write paragraphs of Javanese alphabet students in grade VII SMP Islam Al-Kautsar Semarang in 2019. This research includes a type of qualitative descriptive research, using the One-Shot Case Study design. The research population is all students of grade VII SMP Islam Al-Kautsar Semarang. Sampling technique using a random sampling technique, which is used as a sample in this study is the class VII C Junior High School Al-Kautsar Semarang, which amounted to 25 students and 4 students did not enter due to exit. The data collection techniques used in this study are test techniques.</em> <em>Based on the analysis the results of the study explained that from 21 students there are 2 students or 9% are incomplete and 19 students or 91% are complete. The average grade value of the test result is 78. The result of the value is higher with a school KKM value of 70. Results of the value can be proved that the ability to write paragraphs of Javanese script students grade VII C SMP Islam Al-Kautsar Semarang obtained a significant value in the study of writing a paragraph of Javanese script. Students ' ability to write paragraphs of Javanese script belongs to the good category. The Data generated from the test value writes the Javanese alphabet using two aspects that are aspects of knowledge and skill aspects. Students can know and understand how to write paragraphs of Javanese script correctly and appropriately according to each character.</em></p> Rifka Maulana Setyaningrum, Alfiah Alfiah, Bambang Sulanjari Copyright (c) 2020 Tue, 06 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Pesan Berbahasa Banjar dan Pandemi Covid-19 <p><em>The Covid-19 pandemic that occurred in Indonesia had an impact on various aspects of life. One of the effects that can be observed is in terms of language. Various terms milling about, Various statements that scatter, all have interesting language symptoms to observe. This paper will discuss the existence of regional languages ​​during the Covid-19 pandemic. As for the observation, the Banjar language message displayed is related to the Covid-19 pandemic situation.</em></p> Siti Akbari Copyright (c) 2020 Tue, 06 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Ketidakadilan Gender dalam Novel Rembulan Ndhuwur Blumbang Karya Narko Sodrun Budiman <p><em>The purpose of this research was to describe the gender injustice in the novel of </em><em>Rembulan</em> <em>Ndhuwur</em> <em>Blumbang</em><em> opus by </em><em>Narko</em> <em>Sodrun</em> <em>Budiman</em><em>. The problem that will be researched was the gender injustice to woman character. The method of research that was used to express the gender injustice in this novel was a descriptive qualitative method. The data of the research consisted of word, phrase, and sentence which contained the element of gender injustice element. This research used observation (reading) technique, writing, reduction, and data clarification afterward data analysis. The source of the data was Rembulan Ndhuwur Blumbang Novel by Narko Sodrun Budiman. The result of the research was the gender injustice of Rembulan Ndhuwur Blumbang Novel was showed from the role and man characters attitude to woman character. The gender injustice that was found consists of marginalization, subordination, </em><em>stereotype,</em><em> and the gender violence that was sensed by the woman character in </em><em>Rembulan</em> <em>Ndhuwur</em> <em>Blumbang</em><em> Novel. The injustice in this novel was to present an unfair attitude to women in the household life and effort to survive in order to get equality. The unjust</em><em>&nbsp;attitude</em><em> toward Anisah was done by her husband which had arbitrary character by utilizing the woman's weakness. Anisah was not able to resist and resigned with her injustices.</em></p> Tesha Yosita Dewi Krisna, Yuli Kurniati Werdiningsih, Nuning Zaidah Copyright (c) 2020 Tue, 06 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Kemampuan Guru Bahasa Jawa SMK di Kota Semarang dalam Mengembangkan Instrumen Penilaian Autentik <p><em>The purpose of this study was to describe the ability of Javanese language teachers in vocational schools in Semarang to develop authentic assessment instruments in Javanese learning based on the 2013 revision of the 2017 curriculum. The indicators used to measure the ability of teachers to develop authentic assessment instruments include the suitability of assessment techniques with indicators; suitability of the type of instrument with indicators; instrument characteristics; determining the assessment score according to the weight of the questions; preparation of an assessment rubric.</em><em> This research is descriptive qualitative research. The research location is in the city of Semarang. The data of this research are all things related to the assessment written in the RPP of the Javanese language teacher at SMK Semarang City. Data collection using documentation techniques. The data analysis used was an interactive model of qualitative data analysis with three main steps, namely data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing.</em><em> This study describes the ability of Javanese language teachers in Semarang City Vocational School to develop authentic assessment instruments. Five aspects were observed, the second and fourth aspects occupied the highest place with the same score. The two aspects are the suitability of the type of instrument with the indicators and the determination of the assessment score according to the weight of the questions. Although the highest was not satisfactory because it only reached a score of 37.5 out of a maximum score of 100. The most concerning aspect is the third aspect, namely the characteristics of the instrument, with a score of 4.17 from a maximum score of 100. This shows that most of the teachers do not understand the characteristics of the instrument. assessment, especially those related to the HOTS concept.</em></p> Alfiah Alfiah, Bambang Sulanjari Copyright (c) 2020 Tue, 06 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0000