Distribusi Tekanan Pada Instalasi Pompa Hydralic Ram (Hydram) Dengan Ventury Pada Pipa Isap


  • Carsoni Carsoni Carsoni Universitas PGRI Semarang
  • Slamet Supriyadi Universitas PGRI Semarang
  • Irna Farikhah Universitas PGRI Semarang
  • Nuraksin Universitas PGRI Semarang


Keywords: Hydraulic Ram, Pressure, Ventury


Hydraulic Ram Pump (Hydram Pump) is a water pump that is easy and cheap to maintain because it does not use electricity or other fuels. By not using electricity/fuel, this pump can be used in rural areas where there are springs, hills and not yet covered by electricity, so it is hoped that it will lighten the workload of the surrounding community. This research was conducted at the Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, Universitas PGRI Semarang, which is located on Campus III Bendan Duwur Semarang. The method used is to make a hydraulic ram pump model and install a ventury on the suction pipe with experimental test variables, several changes in lift height and recorded pressures that occur at the beginning of the ventury, throat, end of ventury, intake pipe, exhaust pipe and air tube. By changing the lift height of the exhaust valve, the pressure that occurs also changes. The research was carried out by experiment, namely the exhaust valve drain hole of 40 mm with a lift height of 9 mm of the exhaust valve; 12 mm; 15 mm; 18mm; 21 mm and 24 mm, respectively, were recorded every 5 minutes for 20 minutes and then averaged. From the results of the study that starting from 9 mm to 24 mm the pressure increase was not too significant both at the inlet pipe, ventury, exhaust pipe and in the pump air tube.





