Desa Remitan Mayong : Sentra Industri Seni Kerajinan Keramik Jepara


  • Qoriati Mushafanah Universitas PGRI Semarang
  • Rofian Universitas PGRI Semarang


remittance village, Mayong, ceramic art


This study describes the problems (1) The history and development of the remittance village of Mayong as a center for the arts of typical Jepara ceramics, (2) the form of superior products of ceramic art from the remittance village of Mayong, Jepara district. This study uses a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. The target of the research is the community group of the community and the craftsmen of ceramic art in Mayong Lor village, Jepara district. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and document studies. Observations were made in several places for craftsmen, workshops and shops who are still struggling in the world of ceramics and which are related to the art of ceramics skills. The results of the study, the history of the village of Mayong Lor, Mayong district, Jepara district is a clay craft center also called Remitan village. Remittances have the meaning of children's traditional toy products, which are the hereditary heritage of the ancestors in this village which contains noble values of local culture. The products of remittances from this village are in the form of miniature kitchen utensils such as cooking utensils: jugs, corkscrews, mortars, stoves, frying pans, muntu, barrels, plates and others which are relatively inexpensive and made traditionally, have aesthetic value. in its creator, but able to meet the tastes of the local market.

Keywords: remittance village, Mayong, ceramic art.



Penelitian ini mendiskripsikan permasalah (1) Sejarah dan perkembangan desa remitan Mayong sebagai sentra seni kerajinan keramik khas Jepara, (2) Bentuk produk unggulan seni kerajinan keramik dari desa remitan Mayong kabupaten Jepara. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologis. Sasaran penelitian adalah kelompok masyarakat paguyuban dan pengrajin seni kerajinan keramik di desa Mayong Lor kabupaten Jepara. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dan studi dokumen. Observasi dilakukan di beberapa tempat pengrajin, workshop dan toko yang masih bergelut di dunia perkeramikan dan yang memiliki keterkatitan dengan seni keterampilan keramik. Hasil penelitian, sejarah desa Mayong Lor kecamatan Mayong kabupaten Jepara adalah sentra kerajinan tanah liat disebut juga desa Remitan. Remitan memiliki pengertian produk mainan tradisional anak, yang merupakan warisan turun-temurun nenek moyang di desa ini yang mengandung nilai-nilai luhur budaya lokal. Adapun hasil produk remitan dari desa ini adalah berupa miniatur alat dapur seperti perabot masak : kendi, dandang, cobek, tungku, wajan, muntu, gentong, piring dan lain-lain yang mana dalam penciptaannya sangat   relatif murah dan dibuat secara tradisional, memiliki nilai estetika dalam penciptanya, namun mampu memenuhi selera pasar lokal.

Author Biographies

Qoriati Mushafanah, Universitas PGRI Semarang

Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar

Rofian, Universitas PGRI Semarang

Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar


