Analisis Dampak Eksistensi Objek Wisata Pantai Karang Jahe Bagi Perekonomian Mayarakat Pesisir Punjulharjo Kabupaten Rembang


  • Dyah Ayu Mayangsari


community perception, labor Absorption, Cost imposition, Community economy.


This study aims to describe the public’s perception of the Karang Jahe Beach Tourism Object, the absorption of labor at the Karang Jahe Beach Tourism Object, the imposition of fees for business actors for changes in facilities, and the economic condition of the Punjulharjo coastal community with the Karang Jahe Beach Tourism Object. The research method is a describtive qualitative approach. Test the validity of the data using triangulation of data sources. This research is the source of the data obtained using pprimary data and secondary data. Data analysis used steps, data collection, data condensation, data presentation and drawing condensation, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The primary data used in the form of field interviews obtained through interviews with business actors at Karang Jahe Beach Tourism Object. The object of the research consisted of 5 business actors, 2 tourists, 1 tourism manager, and 2 from the village head and the culture and tourism office. The results of this study are the Karang Jahe Beach Tourism Object is very interesting to visit, very easy accessibility, good service, tourists always have the desire to visit again. The existence of job opportunities in the tourist attraction has an impact on the absorption of labor for the local economy. The imposition of costs incurred by business actor for change, although there is still a need for additional business support facilities. Most of them are categorized as having a fairly good economic condition and level of welfare as indicated by an increase in income and an improving level of education as well as a high level of consumption. The conclusion of this study is that the Karang Jahe Beach Tourism Object has a positive impact on the economy of the Punjulharjo coastal community so that it can improve the welfare of the surrounding community.


