Analisis Peranan Sarana Dan Prasarana Penjasorkes Terhadap Minat Belajar Dan Hasil Belajar Penjasorkes Di SMA Negeri 1 GUBUG.


  • Rizky Ego Irfandana


Interest in learning, interviews, and infrastructure


Rizky Ego Irfandana. "Analysis of the Role of Physical Education installations and structure on Learning Interest and Physical Education Learning Outcomes at SMA Negeri 1 GUBUG". Health and Recreation Physical Education Study Program. Faculty of Social Sciences and Sports Education. PGRI Semarang University 2022.

This exploration was motivated by the installation and structure section used to achieve the objectives of the teaching and learning process in learning which is still lacking. And student learning achievement is still not optimal, because the amount of encouragement and motivation for students is still lacking in SMA Negeri 1 GUBUG. GUBUG 1 Public High School is a school that has the potential of students who excel in sports achievements achieved by students. The problem raised in this research is to know the role of physical education facilities and infrastructure on interest in learning and learning outcomes at SMA Negeri 1 GUBUG. This study aims to determine the installation and structure of physical education on interest in learning and literacy outcomes at SMA Negeri 1 GUBUG.

This exploration is a qualitative descriptive study. This exploration was carried out in Grobogan district, the research subjects were students, physical education teachers, and the deputy head of Sarpras at SMA Negeri 1 GUBUG. Sources of data consisting of observations, interviews, documentation and questionnaires. The data analysis technique used is triangulation, data donation and conclusion drawing.

From the results of the exploration that has been donefor one month, which is related to the analysis of the part of physical education facilities and infrastructure on interest in learning and physical education learning outcomes, it was found several aspects where the role physical education installations and structures at learning interest and learning outcomes at SMA Negeri 1 Gubug. the role of Installation and structure are the main keys in sports literacy because installations and structures in learning really support the literacy process and the results of literacy itself. In literacy, teachers often provide encouragement, meaning to provide stimulation or encouragement to scholars regarding the material to be guided, teachers are good at modifying material in physical education literacy so that students are not bored and tired. The size of students' interest in literacy is indeed very important, because it greatly affects students points of academic and non-academic results themselves. Factors that influence interest in learning, namely; facilities and infrastructure factors, family environmental factors, and school environmental factors. In terms of facilities and infrastructure for school facilities that require students, actually schools are not mandatory but rather direct students related to physical education learning materials, we direct extracurricular activities so that these activities accommodate some students who do have an interest in improving achievement.


