Analisis Faktor Faktor Penentu Hasil Pointing Atlet Petanque FOPI Kabupaten PATI


  • Ainun Rahma Hartono


petanque, pointing result, concentration.


The research is based on the unknown factors that affect the pointing throw in FOPI petanque athletes, PATI district. The purpose of this study was to identify the variables that affect the pointing performance of FOPI petanque players in PATI District. descriptive research method. Sampling was done by complete sampling technique, with the research population consisting of 15 athletes from FOPI Petanque in PATI district. Normality test, homogeneity test, and hypothesis testing with t test and F test are the approaches used to test the data obtained. The results showed that there was a partial effect of 8 variables, namely arm muscle strength and concentration with t table values of 46,485 and 74,806. while the analysis of the F test which aims to determine the effect of variables simultaneously that is 100% effect on the pointing results. Meanwhile, six factors—balance, hand-eye coordination, arm length, wrist flexibility, height, and kinesthetic perception—had no effect on performance. Therefore, it can be said that 8 factors have a partial effect on the appointment result. The researcher's suggestion to FOPI petanque athletes in PATI district is to continue to improve the accuracy of pointing. For Petanque FOPI trainers, PATI district often provides varied and effective exercises to improve pointing accuracy.


