The Analysis of Metaphor in the Second Album of Secondhand Serenade


  • Ratna Nur Laila Universitas PGRI Semarang
  • Rahmawati Sukmaningrum Universitas PGRI Semarang
  • Ririn Ambarini Universitas PGRI Semarang


figurative language, metaphor, secondhand serenade, song, lyric


This research is based on the study which attempted to analyze metaphor in the second album of Secondhand Serenade and its meaning. The main purposes of the study were to elaborate on the metaphor used in the lyrics and its meaning in the songs of Secondhand Serenade’s second album. This study is qualitative research. There are two types of data in this research. The first data is all the lyrics that contain metaphor, and the second data is the meaning of the lyrics in every song. To collect the data, the total sampling technique was applied. The result of the analysis shows that there are 75 metaphors from lyrics found in Secondhand Serenade’s songs. The first types are structural metaphor withe the total 37 metaphor. The second types are orientational metaphor with the total 5 metaphor. The third types are ontological metaphor with 33 metaphor. The types of structural metaphors are the most frequently used in the song lyrics. The meaning of metaphors is also revealed from the analysis process which shows the circumstances of his love story, from falling in love, being in a good and bad relationship, and also the break-up. It is expected that this study can provide a comprehensive understanding of how important. The result of the study is also expected to trigger another researcher in creating similar research with different objects.


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How to Cite

Laila, R. N., Sukmaningrum, R., & Ambarini, R. (2021). The Analysis of Metaphor in the Second Album of Secondhand Serenade. Undergraduate Conference on Applied Linguistics, Linguistics, and Literature, 1(1), 73–83. Retrieved from