Deixis Analysis in Film Tenet


  • Ristian Hanggarjito Universitas PGRI Semarang
  • Entika Fani Prastikawati Universitas PGRI Semarang
  • Siti Nur'aini Universitas PGRI Semarang


person deixis, pragmatics, film Tenet


This study was entitled “Deixis Analysis in Film Tenet”. The problems of this study were what types of person deixis are used in Film Tenet? what is the dominant person deixis used in Film Tenet? And what are the reference meanings of person deixis found in the film Tenet? The objectives of this study were to find the types of person deixis, to find the most dominant type of person deixis in film Tenet and to find out the reference meaning of person deixis in film Tenet. This study only focused on the utterances used by the main character in film Tenet. This study was purposed to find out the person deixis types, the dominant type of person deixis used in film Tenet and to find out the reference meaning of person deixis in film Tenet. This script got from internet. The study applied descriptive qualitative method. The following steps, it applied was the first, this study looked for the movie, the second, this study watched the film, then, looked for the film script of the film Tenet, the fourth, this study identified the utterance in the film Tenet based on Levinson’ theory. From the analysis, it is found that there are three types; first-person, second-person and third-person deixis and the most dominant were found is first-person Deixis with 153 data (42.5%), second-person Deixis with 132 data (36.7%), and third-person Deixis with 75 data (20.8%). The use of first-person deixis indicated if the speaker is referring himself, or both speakers, and referent group with the speaker. While, the second-person Deixis indicated if the speakers use deictic referent to a person or persons identified as the addressee. And the third-person indicated if the speaker referent to person or entities that either speakers or addresses in the utterance. which is used in this film.

Author Biography

Entika Fani Prastikawati, Universitas PGRI Semarang

English Education Department




How to Cite

Hanggarjito, R., Prastikawati, E. F., & Nur’aini, S. (2021). Deixis Analysis in Film Tenet. Undergraduate Conference on Applied Linguistics, Linguistics, and Literature, 1(1), 99–111. Retrieved from