The Comparison of Figurative Language between Unstoppable Song Lyric by Sia and Lose Your Self Song Lyric by Eminem


  • Sovia Lutfianita Utami English Education Study Program, Universitas PGRI Semarang, Semarang, Indonesia
  • T Sri Suwarti English Education Study Program, Universitas PGRI Semarang, Semarang, Indonesia
  • RR Festi Himatu Karima English Education Study Program, Universitas PGRI Semarang, Semarang, Indonesia


figurative language, type, songs lyric


This study aims to enhance one's language abilities, make it simpler for someone to process words when communicating with others, and make it simpler for teachers to instruct students in order to test and establish a connection between studying English and the significance of English for students. Additionally, because Sia and Eminem use distinctive yet simple diction in their songs, kids won't have any trouble comprehending the words. The teaching and learning process is made simpler by how simple it is for pupils to access this song online. To prevent boredom, teachers can play music throughout the class. Data were gathered through documentation, analysis, and observation. The keraf model, Djoko Kentjono, and Kridalaksana, as well as other data analysis methods, are mentioned in this work. Research Findings Based on the data, the researchers discovered that the lyrics to Sia's song Unstoppable contain six figurative languages, as well as several sentences that also contain figure of speech. These include hyperbole (12 lines), simile (4 lines), synecdoche (3 sentences), repetition (16 lines), personification (2 lines), and litotes (1 line). In contrast to the figure of speech used in Eminem's song lyrics, the lyrics of "Lose" contain hyperbole, a simile, a personification, a metaphor, and a metaphor with three lines each figure of speech has one row, two lines of litotes, and seven lines of repetition. The reason from the writers are analyzed Eminem's and Sia songs is that there is a difference between the two lyrics, namely. Because in Eminem's song the theme is aggressive and has a lot of struggle themes, that's why Eminem's songs are loved a lot. Then with the Sia song, there is also a difference because the is song is more emphasized on the emotions of someone who is ambitious and wants to prove that he is able to fight ego. Not only that the comparison also lies in the background of the song writers who have different problems.




How to Cite

Utami, S. L. ., Suwarti, T. S. ., & Karima, R. F. H. . (2022). The Comparison of Figurative Language between Unstoppable Song Lyric by Sia and Lose Your Self Song Lyric by Eminem. Undergraduate Conference on Applied Linguistics, Linguistics, and Literature, 2(1), 270–280. Retrieved from