“Vocabulary.com” as the Teaching Media to Improve: The Case of Twelfth Grade Students in SMA Negeri 10 Semarang in the Academic Year 2023/2024


  • Ishaq Nursetyo Universitas PGRI Semarang
  • Senowarsito Universitas PGRI Semarang
  • Entika Fani Prastikawati Universitas PGRI Semarang


writing ability, vocabulary building, web-based learning, teaching media, vocabulary.com


As a foreign language learner who intend to continue learning foreign languages, particularly English, may face a variety of challenges. Expanding one's vocabulary is one of the most important aspects of learning English. The rapid advancement of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) has altered and improved the learning process. The researchers attempted to introduce a web-based media utility as a tool to assist students with their English writing activities based on the students' struggles and learning improvement. "Vocabulary.com" is an online English web-based media with a lot of potential as a tool for assisting students in acquiring English abilities, including writing skills, through vocabulary mastery. Based on the condition, the researchers will use Improving English Writing Ability Using "Vocabulary.com" as the Teaching Media: The Case of Twelfth Grade Students in SMA Negeri 10 Semarang in the Academic Year 2023/2024. The researchers aimed to know students’ perception from study design to evaluate the effectiveness and influence of the media "Vocabulary.com" on writing lessons. This study was to provide the students' attitudes and perceptions toward the use of "Vocabulary.com" in the classroom to improve their writing ability by enhancing vocabulary mastery. The study should give another enjoyable and engaging approach to teaching and learning English, which the researcher hopes will benefit all high school students and teachers.


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How to Cite

Nursetyo, I. ., Senowarsito, & Prastikawati, E. F. . (2023). “Vocabulary.com” as the Teaching Media to Improve: The Case of Twelfth Grade Students in SMA Negeri 10 Semarang in the Academic Year 2023/2024. Undergraduate Conference on Applied Linguistics, Linguistics, and Literature, 3(1), 279–287. Retrieved from https://conference.upgris.ac.id/index.php/allure/article/view/4446