The Effectiveness of Using Course Review Horay Model to Improve Reading Comprehension for Students: A Case of 8th Grade Students of SMP Negeri 34 Semarang
Reading, Course Review Horay, Reading Comprehension.Abstract
Reading offers pupils numerous opportunities to study language, including vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, and the proper way to form sentences, paragraphs, and texts. Reading is therefore a vital component of language learning. The Course Review Horay learning model is one of the cooperative learning techniques that will be used in the study's reading class. The author attempts to investigate the efficacy of applying the Course Review Horay Model in teaching reading comprehension to students based on the background information given above. This study used four different data collection techniques. make a reading comprehension assessment. Pre-testing involves testing kids' abilities before a treatment. After the treatment, administer the test to gauge the pupils' proficiency. then calculated the data. According to the findings of this study, students who are taught utilizing the review course review horay model have reading comprehension that is as follows: the mean post-test is 82.50 with a minimum score of 65 and a maximum score of 95, median 82.5 and mode 85. The average post-test score for students who are taught using the Course Review Horay Model without employing reviews is 76.91, with a minimum score of 60 and a maximum score of 95, a median of 75, and a mode of 70. According to the t1 test, the Post-test Score of the Experimental Group Application of the Course Review Horay Model is significantly different, as shown by the findings of t count 2.568 > t table 1.667 and a significance level of t count 0.013 0.05 with a positive direction from the Post-test Score of the Control Group, indicating that the experimental group and the control group had different learning outcomes for reading comprehension. The post-test score of the experimental group is significantly different from the pre-test score of the experimental group, which indicates that there is a significant effect of applying the Course Review Horay Model to the results of Learning Reading comprehension, according to the t test results, t count 13.528 > t table 1.69 and a significance level t count 0.000 0.05.
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