technology-enhanced, formative assessment, assessment, English teaching, merdeka belajar curriculumAbstract
This study aims to find out the technology used by English teachers in implementing formative assessment to support Merdeka Belajar Curriculum. To reach this purpose, this study carried out a qualitative research design. This research was conducted at SMA N 2 Kendal. The subjects in this study were all English teachers in SMA N 2 Kendal. The instruments used were observation sheets, interviews, and documentation to obtain data. The data obtained were analyzed using descriptive qualitative methods The results show that the technology used by teachers at SMA N 2 Kendal for formative assessment is Google Form, Padlet, and Jamboard. The English teachers mentioned that the use of this technology-enhanced formative assessment was regarded as an innovative tool in supporting the implementation of Merdeka Belajar Curriculum. Therefore, technology-based formative assessment must be continuously used.
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