Efektivitas Pembelajaran Worked Example Pada Materi Energi Terhadap Kemampuan Transfer Konsep Siswa Kelas X SMA


  • TAUFIQ FATHURROZI Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang
  • Arsini UIN Walisongo Semarang
  • M Izzatul Faqih UIN Walisongo Semarang


Fisika, Energi, Worked example, Kemampuan transfer.


The quality of education could be improved by using appropriate learning designs. Good quality of learning design could reduce misconceptions as the basis for student problem solving. Problem solving skills were part of transferability. CLT offers a worked example learning design. This study aims to test the hypothesis that the worked example was effective for energy materials when viewed from the student's transfer ability. This study consisted of two classes, namely the class that used the worked example (WE) learning strategy and the class that used the conventional learning strategy. The research participants were 71 students consisting of class X MIA 1 (experimental) and class X MIA 2 (control) at a public high school in Jambi, Indonesia. The population in this study were all students with an age range of 15-16 years and who had not studied the material about energy. The results of the study found that the worked example (WE) was effective for studying energy materials in terms of transferability. This is evidenced by the value of N-Gain score in the class that learns to use the worked example strategy was higher when compared to the class that learns to use conventional learning design.


