Analisis kesiapan dan pelaksanaan pembelajaran matematika jarak jauh berdasarkan profil TPACK di SD Katolik Tanjungpinang tahun ajaran 2020/2021
mathematics education, distance learning, TPACK frameworkAbstract
The sudden implementation of distance learning during the Covid-19 pandemic brought dilemmas from the educators and students. Those implementations are of how technology is used, pedagogy approach used, and how the material content is presented. Based on these findings, the writer aims to find out how successful math teachers implement technology into mathematic education by using TPACK as a reference framework and to see how ready are the students to learn mathematics using technology in distance learning. This research is qualitative research and the type is survey research which uses questionnaire to collect data. The research is conducted in SD Katolik Tanjungpinang which 209 students and 10 teachers served as the sample of the research. The result of this research shows that more than half of teachers have good TK, PK, CK, dan TPACK knowledge and half of the teachers have good TPK, TCK, and PCK. Next, results shows that almost half of the students are ready to learn using technology, learn from student-based learning approaches, learn by developing their mathematic skills. Lastly, most students feel that teachers’ implementation of learning that builds knowledge construction with technology is good, most feel that the integration of technology to understand the concept is good, almost half feel that the materials are easily understood, and are ready to learn from technology-based learning.
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