Analisis kesalahan siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal cerita berdasarkan tahapan newman pada materi persamaan linear satu variabel ditinjau dari gender
Newman Error Analysis, story shaped question, one variable linear equationAbstract
This study aims to determine the types of errors in class VII-G students of SMP Negeri 7 Semarang in 2020/2021 in solving linear equations with one variable using the Newman procedure. This research is a qualitative research. Data was collected by using the test method and the interview method. The research subjects were taken 6 people from 33 students of class VII-G, each of which consisted of 3 male students, 3 female students, who were then interviewed regarding errors made in working on the test sheet. The validity of the data was tested by using source triangulation technique. Based on the analysis of the research results, it is known that in solving problems with the Newman procedure, none of the research subjects made any type of reading error. In the male subject, they made mistakes at the stage of understanding the problem, transformation, completion process and writing the final answer. Female subjects also made the same type of mistakes as male subjects.
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