Analisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pengamalan nilai taklim pada mahasiswa UII menggunakan regresi logistik ordinal
effectiveness, regression logistic ordinal, ta’lim programAbstract
Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) as one of the institutions established to create a Muslim scholar who is able to practice, understand, and to reconciled Islam from various disciplines. Therefore, to support the direction of the goal, it should be the goal of learning oriented towards the fulfillment of institutional objectives. The urgency of this religious formation could not be as unambiguable because of the various data that was seen that their religious rates were very lacking. Results of achievement of good value (value A and value B) = 69.96% while UII quality target of percentage graduates with good value is 80% so the conclusion is not yet achievement of quality target of UII. This research is themed by Ta'lim in UII environment with the research title "Analisis of faktors affecting the practice of student worship of Taklim UII using logistical regression Ordinal". Total respondents of the TA'LIM program Questionnaire 200 students/I UII Force 2018 and 2019. In the first study using the variable "I can apply the sciences studied in Ta'lim" as dependent variables, all parameters affect the application of the sciences studied in Ta'lim. It can be concluded that the independent parameters are the supporting faktors of the values of the application of the sciences studied in Ta'lim.
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