
  • Oktamia Karuniaty Sangalang
  • Sunaryo A I


Teachers as professions in schools are obliged to help Guidance and Counseling services in schools, such as: actively participating in helping implement BK activities, providing information to BK staff, participating in case meetings, providing information to students, examining difficulties and progress of students, researching progress students, establish a relationship with parents of students, in collaboration with education instructors in collecting student data, identify problems, help solve students' problems, send students problems that cannot be solved to experts, identify, channel, develop talent. The aim of the study was to determine the role of classroom teachers with guidance and counseling at Bahu Palawa 1 Elementary School, a sample of 11 class teachers. The data collection tool uses the Check List technique, namely: a way to obtain data by making a list of questions addressed to all classroom teachers at Bahu Palawa SDN 1. Quantitative descriptive method to test the reality of participation by Class teachers with the method of playing entangled rope in the implementation of the guidance and counseling program, researchers used quantitative descriptive. The results of the study showed that almost all the objective components in the study were carried out with a percentage of 100% high enough by the class teacher. Based on the research, it was shown that the class teacher with the method of entangling the rope was very participating and supported the Guidance and Counseling Service Program at the Palawa Bahu SDN 1

