Enhancing Student’s Skill in Writing Descriptive Text Using Hamburger Paragraph Strategy Through Genre-Based Approach
Descriptive Text, Hamburger Paragraph, Genre-Based ApproachAbstract
This research aims to improve students' skills in writing descriptive text using Hamburger Paragraph through a Genre Based Approach. This research design is Classroom Action Research conducted at SMA 14 Negeri Semarang in the first semester of the 2023/2024 academic year as the solution step of students difficulties in arranging a proper paragraph of descriptive text. There were five indicators such as content, organization, vocabulary, grammar, and mechanic to measure the learning outcome. The subjects of this research were class X2 students, totaling 36 students. The test was carried out three times during pre-test, cycle, and cycle II. The research instruments used were worksheets and descriptive text writing skills reality, observation guide sheets, and documentation. The data analysis method used is quantitative and qualitative method. Based on the results of class observations, the syntax of GBA could make students activly participated in learning activities. Documentation or portfolio results from the texts produced by students show an increase in the quality of writing as it follows with the preest, Cycle I, and Cycle II. The test scores increased from 65, 73, and 83 at the end of the second cycle. Thus, the action hypothesis is accepted. It concluded that the use of Hamburger Paragraph through the Genre Based Approach can improve students' skills in writing descriptive text.
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