Improving Speaking Skills Through Story-Telling Technique of Grade X DPIB 3 Students at SMK N 4 Semarang in the Academic Year of 2023/ 2024


  • Debby Putri Aulya Zetira Universitas PGRI Semarang


story-telling, speaking skill, teaching speaking, learning speaking


This paper point the study of researching the improvement of students in X DPIB 3 speaking skill using story-telling technique. The problem of this research was, firstly, the class was exposed using Indonesian or Javanese with little use of English. Secondly, the problems related to the students. They got difficulty to speak English fluently. Some of them said that the most difficult part in speaking was to find idea about what to speak. Thirdly, the problems related to teaching media. It didn’t enhance students’ speaking skill or give the students opportunity to practice their skill on speaking English with good pronunciation and fluency. Finally, students didn’t have the place and media to practice their speaking skill. This study was established with 36 students of X DPIB 3 SMK N 4 Semarang. The data were employed from observation, interview, and action. The finding shows that there are improvement in students of X DPIB 3 speaking skill after learning the material using story-telling technique. Although the improvement is in the intermediate level, but there are an improvement.


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How to Cite

Zetira, D. P. A. . (2023). Improving Speaking Skills Through Story-Telling Technique of Grade X DPIB 3 Students at SMK N 4 Semarang in the Academic Year of 2023/ 2024. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Profesi Guru, 1(2), 651–659. Retrieved from



Prosiding 2023

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